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Velo Multifamily
Property Management Services In Dallas

A modern property management platform with central support services.

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Taking virtualization to
the next level

Velo's property management solution brings
together central staffing support and prop
tech into one platform -- providing you with
a much more efficient and cost-effective way
to run your business.

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Stock placeholder image with grayscale geometrical mountain landscape

Balance out the workload and stop paying for downtime

Traditional on-site staffing models are flawed. A leasing agent at one property can go underutilized, while an agent at another property is overwhelmed, missing vital opportunities.

With Velo, you eliminate the on-site leasing agent dilemma with access to a 24/7 central services center. You'll have an AI bot and full virtual staff to handle leasing, renewals and resident retention.

No more paying for hours wasted on a slow day at the office, or missing out on leasing prospects because the workload piled too high.

Automate work order management and deliver on customer service

No longer will on-site staff be bogged down with work order entry and risk having repairs fall through the cracks. With Velo, if something breaks residents simply place a call or text to the 24/7 Maintenance Call Center.

  • Group 11 A central services rep is assigned to enter and track work orders all the way to closure.
  • Group 11 The rep keeps residents informed and follows up to make sure repairs are completed correctly and to the resident's satisfaction.
  • Group 11 If a resident isn't happy, central support re-opens the work order and coordinates follow-up service.
  • Group 11 All work orders close out with a survey and feedback process so residents know you care.
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Eliminate back office tasks and focus more on residents

Managing work orders is only part of the maintenance workload. Once repairs are completed, there are vendor invoices that also need processing. In traditional management, vendor invoices can stack up fast, get overlooked in the shuffle, or even get double paid.

With Velo, you have a central services rep whose full focus is on managing vendor invoices, quickly and orderly. Removing yet another back office task allows your property manager to stay focused on what brings in revenue -- happy residents and attracting quality prospects.

A property management solution
designed to bring you into the future

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For Owners

Make fully informed decisions with:

  • Vector (5) Real time access to property performance
  • Vector (5) Weekly Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  • Vector (5) Monthly financial reporting
  • Vector (5) Owner optimized accounting practices
For On-Site Managers

Reduce stress and workload with:

  • Vector (5) Central leasing agent
  • Vector (5) Virtual property tours
  • Vector (5) Online rent payments
  • Vector (5) 24/7 maintenance call center

More From
Your Property
Is Simple


Schedule A Free Consultation

We'll review your business plan and determine how we can maximize your return while minimizing your stress.

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See The Numbers

You'll receive a customized Operate4Profit business proposal that outlines the steps we'll take to achieve your goals.


Maximize Your Investment

We'll execure your step-by-step plan while you watch your investment grow.

3 Things You Can Do
Right Now To Increase
Your Operating Profits

Download this guide to learn the 3 things all multifamily property
owners should be doing to bring in more revenue and eliminate
wasteful spending.


Modern technology has created massive
opportunity in property management

If you haven't changed the way you manage your property,
you're leaving money on the table.